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Meet Patricia Sabanayagam, Tayco’s Employee Profile for December. Working as an Order Analyst, she is a devoted member of the Customer Experience Team, known for her exceptional efficiency in handling daily tasks.

Patricia not only enjoys her work but is she consistently goes above and beyond, demonstrating herself as a true Team player and an invaluable asset to Tayco. Furthermore, her thirst for knowledge and continuous commitment to learning make her an even more valuable member of the Tayco Family.

Here are a few fun facts about Patricia:

Where are you from? I am from Sri Lanka.

What are 3 words someone would use to describe you? Helpful, a Team player, and friendly.

What is your favourite thing about Tayco? My favourite thing about Tayco is that all the employees are like family.

If you were stuck on an island, what movie would you bring? If stuck on an island I would be watching ‘Days of our Lives!’

What is your favourite late-night snack? Hmm my favourite late night snack would be raisin bread

Do you have any pets? Nope, I do not have any pets!

What is your favourite winter activity? My favourite winter activity must be watching hockey with my family.

Not only do we make great furniture at Tayco, but we pride ourselves in creating a great atmosphere for our employees. We value each and every one and are extremely grateful to have an amazing Tayco family!