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Introducing Alejandra Suarez, Tayco’s Employee Profile for June. Currently working as Marketing Manager, Alejandra’s remarkable journey with Tayco began as a Marketing Coordinator – Content Creation, quickly advancing to the role of Marketing Specialist – Content Creation before ultimately achieving her position as Marketing Manager.

Throughout her time at Tayco, Alejandra has proven herself as a key asset to the Marketing Team. She has played a crucial role in executing content strategies to enhance the company’s online presence, crafting compelling copy for product launches and marketing campaigns. What truly excites Alejandra about her role is the opportunity to collaborate with the exceptional Team at Tayco. She firmly believes that the workforce is the company’s greatest strength and finds immense satisfaction in working alongside her talented colleagues.

Here are a few fun facts about Alejandra:

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Bogota, the capital city of Colombia. However, when I turned 17, I relocated to Buenos Aires, Argentina to pursue my bachelor’s degree.

What’s your favorite music genre? Music is one of my greatest passions. I have a diverse taste and enjoy various music genres, including rock, reggae, salsa, and electronic music. I’m always on the lookout for new releases and artists to explore.

What is your favorite movie or TV show? I have a few favorites, including The Butterfly Effect, Peaky Blinders, Game of Thrones, and Vikings

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? Without a doubt, my dream destination is New Zealand. The incredible natural beauty and extraordinary landscapes have always amazed and fascinated me.

What’s one interesting thing people may not know about you? One interesting thing about myself is my love for travelling and immersing myself in diverse cultures around the world. I have been fortunate to explore 61 countries so far, and it remains my greatest joy and passion.